Install Demo Database Peoplesoft
Step 2: Creating oracle initialization parameter file (initHRDEMO.ora) When the Oracle database is started, one of the first things it needs to do is read the database initialization parameter file initHRDEMO.ora. The parameter file defines the overall instance configuration, such as how much memory should be allocated to the instance, the file locations, and internal optimization parameters. Do following steps to create initHRDEMO.ora file.
PeopleSoft database creation is a. The db name as PSHRDMO representing PeopleSoft HRMS database for demo. Setup files to install PeopleSoft.
Go to ORACLEHOME dbs and open the existing file init.ora and create a copy of it with the name initHRDEMO.ora by Save As option. Replace all the occurrences of with your oracle base directory i.e - C: app Administrator. Replace the existing SID- 'ORCL' on the dbname with your new SID- 'HRDEMO'. Replace the 'UNDOTBS1' on the undotablespace with the Table space present in createdb10.sql at C: PSHOME scripts nt.
Once the above changes are done in the file initHRDEMO, save it and move it from the current directory dbs to the directory database Now, create a folder HRDEMO under the directory admin and then create three sub folders inside HRDEMO named - adump, dpdump, pfile. Also, create a folder HRDEMO under the directory oradata. Now, since we have made changes in these two files we have to restart the TNS Listener service to get the changes in the effect and to do that: Open the DOS command prompt and execute below:. Execute the command- lsnrctl stop.
Once the TNS Listner has stopped, restart it back again by executing the command- lsnrctl start Step 5: Verify the Database Connection Now that we have updated the connection information, its time to establish the connection via sqlplus command line. We are doing so to ensure that Access ID (SYSADM) and Connect ID (people) are able to connect to the database so that while loging into database through Data Mover we don't face any issue. Start the Database HRDEMO as shown in the the article.
Peoplesoft Database Schema
Connect to the database HRDEMO through Access ID (SYSADM) by executing- connect SYSADM/SYSADM. Disconnect from HRDEMO by executing- disconnect.
Now connect to the database HRDEMO through Connect ID (people) by executing- connect people/peop1e. Note that in the Connect ID password there is a number 1 and not the letter l. Step 6: Running Data Mover Import Scripts In this step we will be running the Data Mover import scripts to complete the database setup for our PeopleSoft installation.
First configure the connection information in PeoleSoft Configuration Manager through the following steps:. Create a desktop shortcut of the PS Configuration Manager executable pscfg which is located at bin client winx86. Open the configuration manager by running pscfg. Select Oracle as the Database Type. Enter HRDEMO as Database Name. Enter people as Connect ID. Enter peop1e as Connect Password, confirm the connect password.
Launch the Data Mover (StartData Mover or bin client winx86 psdmt). Login with user SYSADM and the password also SYSADM. Go to File Database Setup. Select the Target Database as Oracle and Database Type Non-Unicode and click Next. First select the Database Type as Demo and then click on Add button to select the database for which the Data Mover script is to be created.
Click on Next. In the next window keep the selection but make sure that the Access Password is SYSTEM. Click on finish to create the Data Mover script. Once the script is created, click on Run to run the script.
The script will take several hours (5-6 hours or may be more) to complete so keep patience and do not close Data Mover until the script completes. If Data Mover appears not responding or kind of stuck then don't worry, the script is running. You can see the log files located under C: PSHOME log to track the progress on the script execution.
There is on more script grant.sql located under C: PSHOME scripts that we need to run in Data Mover but before doing so we need to modify it. Just open this script and replace the with people then run the script.
With this we have successfully run the Data Mover import scripts to load the database HRDEMO with necessary data. Visit the next part.
'Hello All, I installed PT 8.45 on Windows 2000 server and my database server is = MSSQL 2000.I have installed the PTSYS database. The site is up and running. But i am not getting all the data while browsing through website. View All First 1-8 of 8 Last =20 User ID Description=20 PSADMIN PeopleSoft Administrator=20 PTADMIN PTADMIN=20 PTDMO PTDMO=20 PTPORTAL Portal Administrator=20 PTSECADM Security Administrator=20 PTTOOLS PeopleTools=20 PTWEBSERVER Allowed to start web servers=20 Test test user=20 Now i want to install the DEMO database. How should i go about it.
Best Regards Manoj '. Hi Manoj, You will have to do that using Data Mover. Log in to Data Mover in Bootstrap mode (Use the same user ID and password that u use to login into ur database). Then go to File Database Setup.
Then select your target database, database type and character set. Next you have to select 'PeopleSoft Application' and at the bottom select the database type as Demo. Then chek the Database parameters and see if the info is right. Then click finish.
It creates a data mover script. Now run this script to create your demo database.
Hope this helps. Hello Suraj, Thanks for the help I logged in into the Data Mover.
Went to File-Database Setup. Selected the Target database-Database type and character set When i click on the 'System' radio button the PeopleSoft Application = shown is =3D=3DPeopleTools System Database-US English.
=20 But when i click on the 'Demo Database Type' radio button there is no = PeopleSoft Application shown in the list. Do i have to install any PeopleSoft application. I have installed the HRMS 8.8. Do i need to install any other application. Waiting for u r reply. If possible can u please give me u r conatct id =20 Thanks in Advance Manoj -Original Message- From: surajgarg via peopletools-l Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 10:29 AM To: Caisucar, Manoj Subject: peopletools-l RE: Installing DEMO database # Learn new development tips & advice for C, VB, Java, and ASP.NET # Visit this blog: # View Group Archive: Hi Manoj, You will have to do that using Data Mover.
Log in to Data Mover in = Bootstrap mode (Use the same user ID and password that u use to login = into ur database). Then go to File Database Setup. Then select your target database, database type and character set. Next you have to select 'PeopleSoft Application' and at the bottom = select the database type as Demo.
Then chek the Database parameters and see if the info is right. Then = click finish. It creates a data mover script. Now run this script to create your demo = database. Hope this helps.
Hi Manoj, While installing PeopleTools, in one of the steps you are asked= to install various modules of the application=2E Among all these= there is also a DEMO Database=2E Did u select that? Bcos if u dont= install that then in Data Mover when u select the Demo database= type radio button no application will be listed=2E And if u have not installed the DEMO database then reinstall= PeopleTools and install ONLY the DEMO database as u must have= installed the other modules=2E And after doing the above try Data Mover again=2E This should help=2E Rgds Suraj. You need to install the application CD as well, for it to show up in data mover, i.e. HRMS, Financials, CRM. manojcaisucar via peopletools-l wrote: # Learn new development tips & advice for C, VBJava, and ASP.NET # Visit this blog: # View Group Archive: Hello SurajThanks for the help I logged in into the Data Mover. Went to File-Database Setup. Selected the Target database-Database type and character set When i click on the 'System' radio button the PeopleSoft Application shown is PeopleTools System Database-US English.
But when i click on the 'Demo Database Type' radio button there is no PeopleSoft Application shown in the list. Do i have to install any PeopleSoft application. I have installed the HRMS 8.8. do i need to install any other application. Waiting for u r reply.
If possible can u please give me u r conatct id Thanks in Advance Manoj -Original Message- From: surajgarg via peopletools-l Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 10:29 AM To: Caisucar, Manoj Subject: peopletools-l RE: Installing DEMO database # Learn new development tips & advice for C, VBJava, and ASP.NET # Visit this blog: # View Group Archive: Hi ManojYou will have to do that using Data Mover. Log in to Data Mover in Bootstrap mode (Use the same user ID and password that u use to login into ur database). Then go to File Database Setup. Then select your target database, database type and character set. Next you have to select 'PeopleSoft Application' and at the bottom select the database type as Demo.
Then chek the Database parameters and see if the info is right. Then click finish. It creates a data mover script. Now run this script to create your demo database. Hope this helps.