Line 6 Flextone Plus Amplifier Manual

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Flextone II Plus ELECTRIC. Guitar Amplifier Values; LINE 6 ELECTRIC. Amp model selector, drive, b, m, t, Ch. V, r, FX tweak, effects selector), manual.

  1. Line 6 Flextone Plus Manual
  2. Line 6 Flextone Plus
  3. Line 6 Flextone 2x12

. Flextone HD - 300 Watt Stereo Head Flextone Cab 212S - 2 x 12' Cabinet for Flextone HD and the optional foot controllers: Floor Board and FB4 printed in the USA by Line 6 - part number Electronic version also available at Rev F. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 2 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM. Flextone User’s Manual, Version 1.1 ©1998, Fast Forward Designs, Inc., manufacturers of Line 6 brand products. Line 6, Flextone, Floor Board, FB4, and TubeTone are trademarks of Fast Forward Designs, Inc. All other product trademarks are property of their respective owners. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 4 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 5 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM CHAPTER 1: Q UICK TART UIDE “Manual? I don’t need no stinking manual!”.1.1 NTRODUCTION Register And Get Great Free Stuff!. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 6 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 7 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM UICK TART UIDE “M ’!” ANUAL T NEED NO STINKING MANUAL UICK TART UIDE 1.

1 “M ’!” ANUAL T NEED NO STINKING MANUAL 1. Line 6 products and technologies. The Line 6 web site is going to grow, because it is one of the most effective ways for us to bring you what you need. Through the internet, we can give you instant access to all kinds of great, free stuff to make your Flextone ever more powerful. A guitar pickup output, after all, is an electronic signal, and tubes are really just a complex form of signal processing.

Having sussed it all out, the Line 6 engineers were then able to apply their digital expertise to develop software which simulates the tube and other circuitry’s signal processing entirely within the digital domain. 1. 4 ODELS The TubeTone process allowed Line 6 to create software Amp Models modeled after a collection of amplifiers recognized by guitarists the world over as true “tone classics.” We got these amps together, cranked ’em up, and had a look at the electronic data generated by the tubes, transformers, capacitors, plate and grid voltages, tone control curves –. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 11 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM RAND RONT ANEL ONTROLS RAND RONT ANEL ONTROLS 2. 1 If you haven’t already done so, turn to the inside back cover of this manual and notice that it folds out. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 12 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM RAND RONT ANEL ONTROLS switched on and off when you hold the Tap Tempo button.

The detail is in the Tap Tempo section that begins on the opposite page.Channel Volume - This knob controls the relative volume level of the 2. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 13 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM RAND RONT ANEL ONTROLS position of every Flextone knob (except the Master Volume) is stored into the channel memory when you save a channel. You can also save and recall your Flextone channels hands-free when you use the optional Floor Board or FB4 foot controllers (see That’s Using Your Feet in Chapter 6 for more details). Flextone Manual Index - Replacement for Page 14 for Rev F - Monday, September 21, 1998 12:59 PM RAND ANEL is just the same as turning on the Drive Boost from the Floor Board (details in Chapter 6 ). As you do this, the Channel B light comes on if you turn the Drive Boost on. Flextone Manual Index - Replacement for Page 15 for Rev F - Monday, September 21, 1998 12:59 PM RAND ANEL Extension Cabinet (on the Flextone Plus only) This connection is for the Flextone Cab or other 8W speaker cabinet only.

Foot Pedal Connector - 2. The Flextone Cab 212S - The Flextone Cab 212S is a stereo/mono 2x12' closed- back cabinet loaded with a pair of custom 12-inch speakers, specially designed by Line 6 for use with the Flextone HD. Connect one or more Flextone Cab 212S cabinets to the HD as described in the oft-promised Chapter 7. These marks and names are used solely for the purpose of describing certain amplifier tones produced using Line 6’s TubeTone modeling technology. The TubeTone modeling technology provides the Flextone Series of Digital Guitar Amplifier Systems. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 18 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ODELED HICH ODELED Tweed Blues - The classic Fender Bassman 4x10 combo was the amp that started it all – instant rock and roll tone.

Originally a bass guitar amp, the Bassman became a Blues staple for 6-string guitarists. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 19 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ODELED HICH ODELED Modern Class A - The Matchless Chieftain, which was studied for the Modern Class A selection, is a very expensive handmade amp. Originally designed to sound like a top-boost Vox AC 30, the Matchless doesn’t exactly have a Vox sound, but something unique (largely due to the complicated EQ scheme). Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 20 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ODELED HICH ODELED sound-a-whole-lot-like-the-original” concept, is set up to do pretty darned near the same thing. Max out the Mid and Treble knobs and turn Bass to about 9 or 10 o’clock on the Flextone when using this Plexi-inspired Amp Model and you can treat those nice neighbors to a tasty slice of fat rock tone.

IGNATURE OUNDS While TubeTone modeling was first developed to allow Line 6 to capture classic tones for our Digital Guitar Amplifier Systems, it also has opened the door for us to create unique new tones not possible with conventional hardware – that’s where this whole software-based thing really comes in handy. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 22 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ODELED LEXTONE IGNATURE OUNDS variant of the Flextone Drive. The Drive knob acts as a blender control – fully left you’ve got big bottom 21st Century Clean, and fully right you’ve got paint-peeling Ultra-drive. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 23 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM LEXTONE FFECTS NBOARD FFECTS LEXTONE FFECTS NBOARD FFECTS In addition to all the great Amp Models built into the Flextone, there are some great sounding effects.

To pick which effect you want to hear, turn the Effect Knob ). Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 24 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM LEXTONE FFECTS NBOARD FFECTS Chorus - You’ll find two different chorus sounds in the Flextone. Chorus 1 is modulated by a square wave, so it sounds more like a “rack” type chorus. Chorus 2 is modulated by a sine wave with more feedback, so it has a richer harmonic content with more movement. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 25 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM LEXTONE FFECTS NBOARD FFECTS sounds. Most times that you use Delay, the Effect Tweak knob controls the Delay level. In a final moment of brilliance before finalizing the Flextone software’s final details, we realized it would be really handy to let you set the maximum delay level high enough that your Delay’s echoes can be louder than your direct signal.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 26 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM LEXTONE FFECTS OMBINED FFECTS OMBINED FFECTS The rest of the effects are combinations of D and one other effect. They ELAY should be fairly self-explanatory. You’ll note that the Tap Tempo control generally sets the delay speed - Delay/Tremolo is the one exception to this rule. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 27 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM & S REATING TORING OUNDS SING THE ANUAL HANNEL EATURES & S REATING TORING OUNDS SING THE ANUAL HANNEL EATURES When you are in the Manual Channel of the Flextone, all of the controls are active and the sound of the amp always reflects the knob settings.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 28 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM & S REATING TORING OUNDS Sheet on the back of the Flextone manual and write down his settings. (Perhaps we can learn a valuable lesson from this: always back up your work!) Do you have to give up your dreams of rock and roll success and spend the rest of your life flipping burgers? Luckily, we thought this one through in advance. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 29 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM & S REATING TORING OUNDS RESET ESET UTTON RESET ESET UTTON If, for any reason, or just for the sheer mad joy of it, you decide you need to reset the Flextone to the factory channel memories, hold down all 4 channel buttons (A, B, C, and D) and power up the amp. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 30 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM. Extra banks of channel storage, so you can store more of your own custom setups in your Flextone.

Plus, 16 additional preset channels already loaded with monstrous tones programmed by the incredible tone mavens at Line 6 right after they finished writing this manual. Preset Banks. The User banks are where you store setups you make. These memory locations come pre-loaded with some tasty little tones created at Line 6, but you can change them into whatever you want, and store those changes back into one of the User memory bank locations.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 33 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE LOOR OARD WITH THE LEXTONE display ( ) will show you. To switch between your Preset and User Banks bring your foot around to step on both of the Bank Select switches at the same time and you’ll be transported instantly from one region of time-space to the other. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 34 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE LOOR OARD WITH THE LEXTONE Tap Tempo Now, then, how about that handy Tap Tempo thing on your Flextone? Sure would be nice to be able to change the speed of your effects without taking your hands off your guitar, wouldn’t it? That’s what the Tap Tempo ( ) foot switch is for. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 35 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE LOOR OARD WITH THE LEXTONE that way all the time), hang some gold chains around your neck, and get ready to party! You can do subtle things with the wah pedal too, like turning it on just a tiny bit and leaving it there, just barely caressing your sound.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 36 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE LOOR OARD WITH THE LEXTONE Distortion The Distortion on/off switch works kinda like a distortion pedal. With a distortion pedal, you kick the Distortion on, and your sound is more distorted. You kick it off, and your sound is less distorted. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 37 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE LOOR OARD WITH THE LEXTONE Delay The Delay on/off switch turns your Delay effects on – light on.

Or off – light off. Reverb Bet you can guess this one already. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 38 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM ’ SING SING THE WITH THE LEXTONE SING THE WITH THE LEXTONE The FB4 gives you basic control over channel switching on the Flextone.

We tried to make it as simple as possible. Turn off the Flextone. Connect the FB4 to the Flextone with the thoughtfully-included connection cable. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 39 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: LEXTONE NSIDE LEXTONE If you’re the proud owner of a Flextone HD, this chapter’s just for you. While the Flextone HD is much like its combo amplifier brethren, there are important features and functions that set the HD apart. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 40 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: FFECTS environments (like that MTV Live gig you’re booked for in the Gobi Desert). – HE FLEXTONE HD COOLING FANS WILL NOT TURN ON UNTIL THE AMPLIFIER GETS HOT THIS IS NORMAL Excessive heat that turns on the fans can occur because of high output volume settings, intense stage lighting, outdoor weather conditions, and other high.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 41 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: FFECTS So, your HD creates the basic tone, and then that tone is sent out to the effects loop for further “seasoning,” and finally the seasoned sound is returned back to the amp for final output. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 42 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: SING THE FFECTS SING THE FFECTS The back panel of the HD shows an illustration of part of the HD signal flow, including the Effects Loop. As you can see, the series/parallel switch controls whether (1) some sound flows directly through the amp, bypassing the effect loop (this would be parallel), or (2) the direct path through the amp is interrupted, so all the guitar signal flows through the effect (this would be series). Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 43 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: IRECT UTPUTS ETTING FFECT EVELS The amount of effect you hear is controlled by the output volume of your effect.

You want to turn it up enough to get a good healthy signal into the HD for amplification, but not so much that it distorts. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 44 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: IRECT UTPUTS if you crank up the HD’s Master Volume you don’t blow Mr. Sound Man away since the direct outs are independent of Master Volume. Do whatever you would do with a microphone output in your recording or live setup –. OARD EMORIES The Floor Board is the powerful, customized foot controller from Line 6 designed to be the perfect companion for your Flextone HD. You can read all about it, and its little brother the FB4, in the main Flextone User Manual.

In comparison to the Flextone combos, here are a couple of new capabilities the HD brings you in foot control land. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 46 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head:, & MIDI LOOR OARD EMORIES MIDI P & F ROGRAM HANGE LEXTONE HANNELS A MIDI program change command is sent on MIDI Channel 1 when you select a channel from the HD front panel, the FB4 foot controller, or the Floor Board foot controller. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 47 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head:, & MIDI LOOR OARD EMORIES MIDI Program Changes & Flextone Channels – Visual Aid MIDI MIDI MIDI HD Channel HD Channel HD Channel Program Program Program.

Flextone HD’s Master Volume a wee bit to get things back into the realm of reasonable operational levels (note that, for Line 6 speaker cabinets, we’ve included some recommended maximum volume settings with the hook-up diagrams that follow in this manual). Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 49 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Inside Your Head: ABINET HD P LEXTONE OWER UTPUT The Flextone HD power output varies according to the ohm rating of the speaker cabinet combinations you hook up to it. 4 ohm cabinet = 150 watts per side / 300 watts total stereo 8 ohm cabinet = 100 watts per side / 200 watts total stereo 16 ohm cabinet = 60 watts per side / 120 watts total stereo. If what you need is extreme portability, or you don’t need much volume, you may use one or two of Line 6’s 1-12' speaker cabinets, the Flextone Cab. More typically, you’ll probably choose one or more of Line 6’s 2-12'.

The two illustrations below show the signal flow between the four speakers and the cabinet’s input jack in each setup. Line 6 doesn’t recommend that you do this yourself, unless you’re an experienced soldering iron jockey, but if you’ve got the know how –. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 52 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7. 14. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 53 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7.15. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 154 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7.

16. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 55 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7.17. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 56 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7. 18. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 57 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7.19.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 58 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM HD: CABINET HOOK-UP DRAWINGS 7. 20. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 59 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM THIS PAGE SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK; DO NOT PRINT THIS TEXT.

These marks and names are used solely for the purpose of describing certain amplifier tones produced using Line 6’s TubeTone modeling technology. The TubeTone modeling technology provides the Flextone Series of Digital Guitar Systems with a wide variety of sounds and effects modeled after some of the most popular sounds of the classic amps and effects mentioned here.

Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 61 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM B: E PPENDIX FFECT ARAMETERS Effect Tweak Notes Bypass Turns off the effects. Compressor Ratio There are 5 Compressor ratios: 1.4:1, 2:1, 3:1, 6:1, and:1.

Higher settings “squeeze” your volume more. Tremolo Tremolo Depth.

Zeke Zirngiebel. You must have an odd last name to be a Beta tester for Line 6. And it helps if you really want to be an engineer when you grow up as well.Plus, we all took turns making the coffee and riffing. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 63 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM INDEX Compressor.4-.1, A.2 16 Ohm Cabinets with HD.7.13 Creating &. Flextone Manual Index - Replacement for Page 64 for Rev F - Monday, September 21, 1998 12:59 PM Fans (Flextone HD).7.1 Manual Mode.2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 FB4. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 65 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM Save Button.2.3, 5.1 Send for combos.2.4 Send for HD. Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 66 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM THIS PAGE SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK; DO NOT PRINT THIS TEXT.

Line 6 is a money making outfit. They have successfully taken over the amp modeling world.

They are a great company and make some fantastic products. I just cannot get into this amp modeling world. I have played almost every type of unit that has come out by Line 6 and i always like their stompbox effects and there PODs for effects purposes but their amp modeling is just terrible. It is unnatural and just purely processed sounds. You cannot make a digital preset sound like a Bogner XTC or Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. No amount of processing power can recreate those tones.

It simply cannot be done. UTILIZATION Flextone III Plus features:. 32 Vetta-based amp models. 12 Effects based on Line 6's award-winning stomp box modelers. 16 Mix 'n' Match Speaker Cab options.

Award-winning Point-to-Point modeling technology. 1x12 touring quality cabinet. Powerful 150-watt stereo power amp. 4 programmable amp channel memories. Stereo XLR direct outputs.

MIDI compatibility allowing access to deep editing and the Tone Transfer library SOUNDS This amp is one that has the power and versatility of the POD series units but in an amp form. You get basically all that the POD has but you can blast it through their speaker combo. The only amp models that I like in this batch are the Soldano, Bogner, and Vox amps. The other ones sound thinner and metallic sounding. The vox amps can take effects well and so the tone is a little bit more tolerated. The Soldano and Bogner have so much gain that is kind of masks that you are playing a digital amp. You can't dial the processing out of it but this is a little bit more audibly pleasing.

And of course the Mesa Boogies are thicker sounding but still thin in comparison to a real Dual or Triple Rectifier. OVERALL OPINION These amps have been discontinued and replaced by the Bogner series I believe or maybe the spider. Either way you have to go the used market route to get this amp. If you must own a modeling amp then I would looking into the Peavey series amps. They model their own amps and they sounds decent for digital. If you want all the different amp makers in one then this is the amp for that. You can find these for about $300 in the classifieds somewhere if you want.

However, I'd go with the Bogner model if it were me. Amp models - power amplifier transistor Power: 60watts / 50 50 watt stereo speaker added. Stereo XLR direct output Midi in / out Stereo effects loop HP Output for external / additional RJ45 socket for pedal line6 FBV 32 amps - 16 speakers - Compressor-Noise gate - Reverb - Modulation - Delay UTILIZATION The configuration is quite simple - by turning the knobs found the sound they want quickly. The sound is good overall. A little too low for my taste. Some positions are quite unpleasant amp if you push too much drive. The manual is sufficient.

For a finer adjustment of effect parameters, microphones. You should use Line6 edit via MIDI on a PC. SOUNDS It is versatile enough for my styles of music. My favorite sounds are the sounds clear like fender or vox with tremolo. I use a Variax 300 and a SE, equipped with PRS Dragon II pickups. These are too low for my taste on the distorted sounds. I do not like the Matchless amp models and Gibson.

OVERALL OPINION I use it for 15 days, only appartement.Il I'll have to test high-volume group. What I like most: versatility. I did not try modeling models from other manufacturers. The price / quality ratio is good opportunity. I think they are abusing nine in line6, especially as the pedal is optional. Looking back I think for now I would do this choice.

See below for precision. Page at Line6 ( ). UTILIZATION - The configuration is it simple? But after the first few months and catch heads is happiness. The sound MRIT.

Gets it easy to sound good? Yes, provided you understand the logic and the interactions of each knob, of a Regency option. And have a proper guitar. The manual is clear and sufficient? Yes the manual is clear. No it is not enough. But at least it can be a quick ide the potential of the same animal prior to use Line6 Edit.

SOUNDS - Is it your style of music? Yes, it is my musical styles perfectly. When one moves a little nothing is impossible. With what (s) guitar (s) / low (s) or effect (s) do you play?

Right now I do fuel with a Custom. If in fact: ouch! - What kind of sound you get and with what rglages ('crystalline', 'bold '.)? All and even more.

And besides its j'obiens MON. Amazing is not it?

- What are the sounds you prfrez, you dtest? All the sounds I like, or I delete the program and I one I like.

It is not beautiful? OVERALL OPINION I will our answer all questions in one classic piece.

For the record: I have long jou on his little ERRF the Standard. Then one day, BTIS and curiosities I DCID to sell it.

It was a standard idiocy on my part. Kaspersky mobile security full version apk. Of all the amps I jou later could not hold a candle to this little monster.

So you can imagine, my lass amplmi IDAL's research, I ended up buying one! What rpond the issue with the exprience, you do again this choice? Yes, I have redone this choice and I do not regret it.

Why selling it? A moment of garement absurd belief that the grass is always greener on the neighbor, the stuff that was not is better than the one we a. This is inept and lost a lot of time and sometimes even money. I will tell you the truth: I sold my Flex3 about 400 euros in nine state there is a little over a year. For 'tait correct, as I needed, and this should be the acqureur good too, otherwise he would not have bought. And I took a Flex3Plus with Shortboard for much less, I pay below the argus of Flex3 Standard.

I must say that my MODEL VCU has, it has some traces: this makes it even more vintage-style! As my card MIDI HS and I expect the new, I toy with the 'presets' of Flex3 +, I turn the knobs. And does my Custom ( ), an excellent copy of Start. The sound is l: flt of the fat, super clean the lens (see clinic) to duly saturation, through all the minute variations. It Ragit beautifully to the demands of the guitar sound, making brilliantly all the nuances of my playing trs improved.

This is what we identify a good couple amp / guitar: when the slightest touch is palpable. It vritable a playmate, and a weapon to register thanks to the XLR dowries Systm AIR, really effective. I'm not going to tell jokes: it is not the ultimate amp.

But of all those I had and it is the only jou I wanted to resume all costs. That should tell you about. The F3 + vritable isa good tool. Those whose people are proud. The modlisation? Yes, it's numrique, but it sounds the guy and he was in the belly.

Line 6 Flextone Plus Manual

A real dynamic, flexible and a real weight yet tolrable. Then the lights. Yeah, one day, but just to show off because honntement I'm not sure to find all as effective points of view with loupiotte. That the purists will forgive me or go to cook an egg. If you hsitez offer you this toy, be sure it's worth it.

But you must tame the bte, spend hours, months and you will immediately find every day. We must have a minimum achievement to understand its potential. There are those who want the stuff, and there are those who want their sounds. Choose your side and do not fall into the pins. I do not want to get into a game rating, I know too many animals for me to judge him. To be completely impartial, so I decline to note.

Amp modlisation interest of this model: XLR see site builder UTILIZATION Apartment use only, seems to be a IDAL. Rglages the factory are playable but not the style of my research. After a few rglages it is easy to find a more suited his character.


Similarly as in several styles of what was fun and find his crdible, even if one still has the moves away Ralite (this is normal. Even qd ) amplifiers can be shuffled with various speakers (combo - 2. 12. OU4 12) SOUNDS See above jou with team of EMG search for lead sounds and powerful prcis with a lot of distortion, easy to find! The clean sounds are INTERESTED, prcis and slam shut. I have not explored all the sounds and all the possibilities.

Line 6 Flextone Plus

The effects are very easy argler, rather intuitive. A change of some old equipment gnration very prcis ds rglages but sometimes more like a factory than a gas pramp or effect. Saturations are some really vile and hurt the ears, and they are 'Dual Rectifier' as a designation for model.

Line 6 Flextone 2x12

OVERALL OPINION Use for a week. What I like: easy variation on rglages and sounds, lots of possibilities and sounds often of good quality. What I like least: better to run the ear and look on the sound we want to achieve as sometimes modlisations are hazardous!

I also possde a (I'm going to sell might be interested if a qq'un!) Actually quite a different model, the is more complete. Report qualitprix very good especially secondhand (400 for mine), I think nine is theft. I lower the average for a six! Amp combo modlisation.

2 x 75 Watts + Custom Celestion Cabinet Loudspeaker output supplmentaire. Connection ultra complte: XLR microphone jack with simulation of excellent quality (not the level knob indpendant to record without playing the baffle), between MIDI output to safeguard the memory + updates, RJ45 pdalier for Line 6, Loop in / out effect of the insert can be activated via pdalier. Pltor high quality effects (tremolo, delay, compression, chorus, Univibe, phaser, noise gate, reverb, rotary, etc.). Modlisation old pedals perfectly couraging all 36 Fully programmable memory! UTILIZATION - In a childish simplicity sounds dja factory are of good quality and it is very simple to find the sound for you in a few rounds of pots.

Manuel trs clear and conization. Also on the site of Line 6 can be found all sounds made where it is necessary to sort all this is but child's play via the south is a rgal. SOUNDS - I personally do rock plutt typ English, but, and this is the advantage of this amp, you can switch between the US in a snap. I play with a Fender Stratocaster Mex Active and US Jazzmaster 62 '. I use a bunch of possibilities of the amp on diffrent component of my group of warm clear sound with a tremolo old school too serious a distortion through the Clean slamming funky chorus solo, etc. And you just spend a minimum of time to record programs, personal I did by going rpt 'with some modifications to my house.

OVERALL OPINION I use it for 2 years, and what I like most about this amp is its ability to move from its other compltement diffrent and excellent quality in a pressure p Dali. The only small BMOL is that you push a little bit to really give it everything serious. But at the same time we achte not an amp to play one! I try ps sickness MODEL lights before but I think you get to these MODELS trs certainly sound good but one sound. To get this versatility would have required me to pay a dozen pedals and I transplant three legs. Relative price level qulit bah do the math if you were to buy just any effects.

I train on this amp scnes from caf concert at the Festival of 100 people outdoors with 2,000 people, and it sounds to say anything. The evidence I jou with a lot of fans of all lamps that have all told me the end of our concerts they have t his bluff by our (the other scratch my group plays also on Line6 Duoverb MODEL). I would do if this choice? Obviously YES. Besides, I buy the tatter MODEL 2 body Line 6.