Nikon Coolpix L810 Manual Shutter Speed

Posted on by admin

What is the ShutterSpeed on the Nikon Coolpix L810? Shutter Speed 1/1500-1 sec. Perhaps you could simply download the manual from Nikon and read it?

Your camera has a PSAM (Program, Shutter and Aperture Priority, and Manual) exposure capability. When using these modes there are tradeoffs. There are three things that make for a properly exposed photo; shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. These three settings are known as the 'Exposure Triangle' When you change any one, one of the others (or a combination of both) settings must be changed to compensate. For P, S, and A modes, the camera compensates for the setting change.

In M, you have to. But the problem you incurred when changing the shutter speed is that the you set it beyond the ability of the camera to compensate.

There is a limit to how far you can set each setting, and if you exceed that limit - the photo is not exposed correctly. Basically, in your case, the camera did what you told it to.

When you change shutter speed like you did, the camera will try to set the lens's aperture to ensure enough light comes in. But there is a limit to how much the lens can do this. The next step would be to change the ISO, which in PSAM modes usually require you to do so, but in other cameras, an auto-ISO setting would have automatically done it. Changing ISO will make the camera more sensitive to light, which allows you to use faster shutter speeds. However, this comes with a penalty.


The higher ISO you use, the more noise the photo will have. At the highest settings, the noise will be so bad, the photo will be of poor quality. Normally, you use the lowest ISO you can for the best quality photos; most photographers that have cameras with PSAM keep the ISO at the lowest it can be, and raise it only as a last resort.

Correct exposure is far too complicated to explain it in the few words allowed in this forum, so you will have to do some independent research. I would recommend picking up Bryan Peterson's book 'Understanding Exposure', which will help you understand these concepts.

Or search the internet for tutorials on 'Exposure Triangle' if you don't want to buy the book. Here is a page showing how to use shutter priority. Tell us some more. Upload in Progress. Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels.

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The L810 has a shutter speed range of 1 sec - 1/1500 sec so it's more than adequate. Your problem therefore has nothing to do with shutter speed, but rather, shutter lag.the time it takes for the camera to take the picture when you press the shutter button down. According to the following review, the L810's shutter response times are slow, which is more to do with the camera's Auto Focus system. You bought a cheap and basic point and shoot camera, with no manual control whatsoever, no viewfinder, slow performance and questionable image quality. It's the price you pay for buying cheap. And this is from another review of the L810. 'Very poor continuous shooting.

Slow and limited Autofocus. Slow video response. Slow zoom response.' If I were you, I would return it for a better camera because the L810 is not good at all.

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Nikon Coolpix

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