Jsfiddle Project

Posted on by admin

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I've been working on a project that allows stand-alone previews of groups of web assets (html/js/css/etc.). It has a very simple JSON REST API and would allow you to post 'tinker' to a stand-alone environment. I.e.: If the user want's to use ajax requests to files that are a part of the 'tinker' that is difficult to achieve from a client-side only environment. This would be the case for coffee-script includes, less, sass, jade, etc. Whereby the client-side runtime needs to make an XHR against a relative url. Anyway, check it out.

I have another project in the spirit of the one you're posting about. I wanted a client-side only editing environment but couldn't find any free api to 'hoist' multi-file snippets online. All services I could find were limited to the html+js+css paradigm that jsFiddle, tinker.io and jsbin use. To get around this, I realized that I would need to build that sort of webservice.

Now I've neglected my editor for a few months in its partially broken state. I encourage you to check it out: Also, for a sample of what it looks like with a real Gist, try: Note that preview only works on Chrome browsers that support the filesystem API ( this is why I made Plunker). Edit: Just realized that preview is broken too.

Don't even bother! Mainly though, I hate when a project is introduced that closely mimics something else, and yet zero effort is given with regards to product/service differentiation. If it's meant to be exactly the same, then the question of 'why?' Is much more relevant; if it's different, please tell me how - as a consumer/user, you should be trying to convince me why I should use yours and why yours is better. As it is now, it's just a different interface, and a different (not necessarily better) UI is no reason at all to switch IMO. Fundamentally, I could care less how successful his project is or not.

Though, as a fellow developer (and redditor?), I'd like to see him succeed. To that end, I'm pointing out perceived shortcommings in the presentation of the project.

It's marketing 101, you have to highlight offering differences if consumers are to make an objective decision about whether or not the project is a fit for them. Simply throwing up a page offers me 0 incentive to use it, because I already use jsFiddle and it works great for me.

Jsfiddle Project

I should mention that I didn't build this - it was done by a colleague of mine and I just thought it was a sweet project worth spreading around. As I've said before, jsFiddle is great - but it can be painfully slow at times as they try to scale to meet their popularity and add ever more features. There is room for a quicker, more nimble implementation and the fact that it has been open sourced and is open for community contributions differentiates this enough for me. I hear more features are coming soon, so feel free to bookmark it and check back:).

Is there a way to create a serious HTML/CSS/JS project with multiple HTML, CSS, JS files on JSfiddle.net? If yes, how to do it? I want to create a basic mobile apps based on HTML/CSS/JS, about a dozen of HTML/CSS/JS files. I would like to develop it all on JSfiddle, my favorite. But JSfiddle.net while a clean way to test projects stays limited to:. 1 html file (personal). 1 CSS file (personal).

Jsfiddle Project

1 JS file (personal). several external resources (CSS, JS libs, data) which request you another webhosting. The official doc for 1HTML/1JS/1CSS/someDataFiles is not satisfying.

Hello World Example

I wish all on JSFiddle, and more files in my project.