Install Mod_proxy Centos

Posted on by admin

Httpd-2.4 rpms for CentOS 6 can be found. These are from the Software Collections that are built to run alongside the base packages. Unfortunately, this collection is only for X8664. The repos in /etc/yum.repos.d do not contain a definition to reach this collection so you will have to create one. Into a file named /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-SCL.repo copy the following: SCL name=CentOS-6 - SCL software collections alongside #mirrorlist=baseurl=gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 I had to comment out the mirrorlist and edit the baseurl because processing of mirrorlist resulted in converting SCL to scl which didn't match any directory on the server.

  1. Centos Install Software

Install the Mod_proxy HTTP Connector Into Apache HTTPD. Mod_proxy is a load-balancing module provided by Apache. This task presents a basic configuration. Mod_proxy_http, which adds support for proxying HTTP connections. Mod_proxy_balancer and mod_lbmethod_byrequests, which add load balancing features for multiple backend servers. All four modules are enabled by default on a fresh CentOS 7 installation.

Centos proxy server

Centos Install Software

Now you can install the apache 2.4 server as easily as: yum install httpd24-httpd which installs: httpd24-httpd, httpd24-apr, httpd24-apr-util, httpd24-httpd-tools, httpd24-runtime The modproxyfcgi module is installed as part of the httpd24-httpd package. The SCL has mariadb55, mysql55, nodejs010, perl516, php54, postgresql92, python27, python33, ruby193 and others. The SRPMS are available at for 6.5 and likewise for 6.6.