Birthday Party Games Guest Honor

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  1. Indoor Birthday Party Games

This past weekend we celebrated my best friend Katrina’s 30 th birthday and we thought it would be a great opportunity to share with you one of our favorite ways to bring the fun to any party. Guest of Honor Trivia!!

You can play this game at any occasionbirthday parties, graduation parties, or even bachelorette parties. It’s a great way to celebrate your friend, while reminiscing about the good times you’ve had together. There is really no limit to the type of game you can create.

Hilarious Birthday Party Games. Starting with the birthday guest of honor, have them roll as many dice as they have pieces of candy, up to three. Face-On-A-Stick Your guest of honor will be ecstatic when you and your party guests conspire to surprise the birthday boy or girl with a chorus of himself.

We are lucky enough to have some incredible friends in our lives and we’ve been able to come up with many different games in the past. Two of our favorites were “Katie Law School Trivia” for when she graduated NYU and “Scott Nelson Trivia” on his 30 th birthday. They both consisted of basic trivia questions about our friend read aloud to the party guests. For “Trina Trivia” we decided to step it up a notch. Trina Trivia Score Board Karla, Katrina, & I after dinner. Katrina & I have known each other since 2nd grade, so there was a lot of questions to choose from. Her birthday dinner was at a restaurant with about 12 people.

We divided the group into two teams and played it Family Feud Style. Instead of surveying 100 people, we simply asked questions that had multiple answers.

I read the question first and then the team whose turn it was would decide if they wanted to play or pass. If they played and correctly guessed all the answers – they win that round. If they couldn’t guess them all before getting 3 strikes – the other team got a chance to steal their points!

Team 2 getting the last answer correct and winning the round!! This game required some extra props and input from the guest of honor. We cut poster board into 11’’ x 14’’ rectangles to use as the answer boards. We then used double sided tape and colorful paper to cover the answers. (side note: the tape was stickier than I thought and after I pulled the paper off sometimes there would still be some covering up the answer, so when you do it at home, try not to put the tape right over the answer, it would be better if you put two pieces of tape on the ends) We printed out the questions and their answers so we knew which answers were behind which pieces of paper. To be sure we were completely accurate we emailed the Birthday Girl ahead of time to get her answers. Some of our categories included: her family pets her celebrity crushes colleges she’s attended jobs she’s had cars she’s owned states she’s lived in wedding parties she’s been in countries she’s traveled We then had a couple categories that centered around the people who were there: reasons she loves her boyfriend reasons she’s thankful for her parents & brother top 5 moments from college My favorite question included a visual aid.

We printed out all of our photobooth photos and the teams had to name the other people in the pictures. Team 2 seriously discussing what was the name of one of their family cats. The whole game was a lot of fun. Everyone had a good time working together to remember the answers and a couple great stories were retold. When creating a game for your friend there are a couple things to keep in mind. Your audience. How big is the group?

Can you divide them into teams or would it be more fun to just have everyone participate?. The location. Will the party be at a house, restaurant, or club? You want to make sure it’s not too loud and everyone can be involved. The length of the game. If you make it too long, people can get disinterested. If it is too short people might want more.

We’ve found that between 10 to 20 questions is a good amount. The questions.

When thinking of the questions, make sure you include topics that the majority of the people there would know the answer to. It’s not fun if you make the questions too hard. Include questions that highlight the reasons you love your friend. Does she enjoy traveling?

What are her talents? What is unique about her? Think about some of your favorite memories, then turn them into questions. Avoid bad memories, ex-boyfriends, or ex-girlfriends. Keep things fun and positive.

The structure of the game. Is there a game you love to watch on television? You can really base your game off of any existing game. Using “Jeopardy” rules or “Family Feud” rules makes it easier for everyone to understand the game. It’s also a good idea to simplify them a little if possible.

For example, in “Trina Trivia” instead of having two team members face-off at the beginning of each round to see who gets control, we just alternated turns. That’s about all you need to know. If you are using props be as artistic as you want, but don’t stress about that part too much.

The most important thing is to celebrate your friend and the reasons they are awesome! Remember it is a game, so have fun. We’d love to hear about the games you create, so when you do, don’t forget to leave a comment below. Have a great week!!

This has nothing to do with 'Guest of Honor Trivia' but I just had to mention that we killed it at a Karaoke bar later that night with a little 'Juicy' by Biggie!! Two words: Crowd Pleaser! Love Jac is a greeting card company and lifestyle blog devoted to helping you stay connected with your friends and inspiring you to “bring the fun” as often as possible! My name is Jackie. I blog because I love writing and sharing our story. Personally, I believe blogging helps me elevate my life and it gives me the chance to reflect and appreciate everything that fills up our days and keeps us busy. You can buy our cards or at any of our.

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The best adult birthday party games need to do two things. They’ve gotta be silly.

(Grown up doesn’t have to mean boring). But they’ve also got to remind the birthday crowd that birthdays post-20s are still important. It’s easy to become jaded with birthdays, when you’re paying the bills. It becomes a date on the calendar instead of an event. Not only will these 9 adult birthday party games keep you on the edge of your seat.

They’re also intimate, designed to bring everyone closer together. For after-party memories, make sure you film the games in action. None of the games require props (a little bit of advance prep is all you need). Let’s get you started. Your birthday party games The Birthday Hot Seat Just how well do you know your birthday star? This game is where the birthday guests are put under the spotlight and grilled by the guest of honor. Bring everyone together, then place a chair in front of them, explaining how this is the Birthday Hot Seat.

Nominate someone to sit in the chair. Now, give the birthday boy or gal 30 seconds to fire as many questions about themselves at the seated player, who must get as many of them as right as possible. (It’s a good idea for the birthday star to have a list of at least 100 things in advance, so they don’t run out of things to ask on the spot). When the 30 seconds are up, the next player takes over. You will need someone to keep score; because whoever gets the most questions right will win a prize. This adult birthday party game’s fast-paced and a lot of fun, especially when the questions are funny. The Laughing Game Space everyone around a table or in a large room.

Standing individually, each players takes it in turns to say “Ha”, “Ho” or “Hee”. Anyone who starts laughing is kicked out of the game. Keep your game going until everyone’s virtually eliminated The person who can keep the straightest face the longest wins. Clothes Pegs You’ll need 6 or more players, each wearing 5 clothes pegs around their neck (i.e. Collar, jumper v-neck, attached to a necklace).

Set aside 1-2 hours to play, or play during your party. Decide as a group 5 words to ban for the duration. Think of commonly used ones, for example, “happy”, “birthday”, “presents”, “drink”, “cake”. Players must now catch one another saying the forbidden word.

Indoor Birthday Party Games

So, if, say, James hears Ursula say “birthday”, he can ask her for one of her pegs. Players who lose all their pegs can say the words again. They can also rejoin the game, by trying to trick players with pegs into saying the words. The player with the most clothes pegs at the end of the game wins a prize.

Honey, I Love You This adult birthday party game’s also great fun as an icebreaker to warm up your crowd. Sit everyone in a circle, with a person in the middle. This person gets to go up to anyone in the circle and say “Honey, I love you, won’t you give me a smile?”.

The person who’s been asked the question must answer with “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile” – as well as making sure they aren’t smiling. The person in the middle is allowed to do anything to the other person to encourage a smile (except touch them). Anyone who smiles is knocked out of the game. Last person sitting wins! Unlikely Oranges Love silly racing adult birthday party games? With Unlikely Oranges, you’ll need to split everyone into even-sized teams.

Give each team two orange and one pair of old pantyhose, long stockings or tights. Set up a race course that needs to be wide enough for 3-6 players to race at once. Stuff one of the oranges down the leg of the pantyhose, then tie the pantyhouse around the player’s waist. Ideally, the orange leg should dangle down towards the ground and be swingable between their legs.

(If you’ve got players will long legs, make sure you have different lengths of pantyhose available, just in case.). On ‘Go’, players must swing the orange leg against the second orange on the floor and race to the finish line. The first player and orange to do so wins. Musical Hula Hoops You’ll need lively music as well as a bunch of average-sized hula hoops strewn on the floor. Keep everyone dancing to the music.


But as soon as it stops, players jump into a hula hoop (one per person) and start to hula. Anyone not in a hula has to do 3 press ups. Then restart the music. Add more fun to the game as you wish.

For instance, instead of needing to hula once in the hoop, you can instruct players to do a fun dance or weird movement. Funny Birthday Business Looking for acting adult birthday party games? For Funny Birthday Business, you will need a hat, slips of paper and pencils. Give each player 2-3 slips of paper and 2 minutes to write down one funny thing they’d like one of the other guests to perform. Once time’s up, collect up the papers and shuffle in your hat. The hat is now placed on a table, next to a bottle of wine and empty glass.

The player who starts must take a sip of wine, pull a slip from the hat – and perform it To make this game work, think of funny or silly tasks – for example “pretend to be a snail” or “dance on one leg while flapping your arms and nodding”. As the host, secretly slip in a few tasks that everyone must perform together, e.g. Pretend to be cats licking themselves. This is a great game to film. Balloon Shaving Everyone is given an inflatable balloon and a marker pen each, and one minute to draw a face on their balloon. Next, they apply shaving cream over their balloon and are given a plastic knife afterwards, which will be their razor.

Once all that’s done – and ‘Go’ announced – players all attempt to shave their balloon. Without popping it. The first person to finish wins. To add an extra risk to the game, you can fill the balloons with whipped cream. Here are more. Crocodile Racing Break everyone into 2 lines of 4-10 players, with each line queued up behind a designated leader. Each player then places their hands on either the hips or shoulders of their person in front.

Everyone then crouches down, by bending down into their heels, almost like they’re sitting on each other’s laps. Each team is now a “crocodile”.

On ‘Go’, both crocodiles race against each other. They can either run to a finish line; or run to the finish but then back to the start, in order to win. The leader must make sure his/her team stays intact, by not running too fast ahead of them. First crocodile to cross the line – unbroken – wins!